Friday 3 September 2021

Months of the Year

I know the months of the year. I have been practising writing sentences and words ending with 'ing'. 


  1. Hi Serena, Beautiful singing of the months of the year. You have been working hard practising that song. Singing is a great way to learn the months of the year.
    Well Done!!

  2. Hi Serena.
    Singing is such a creative way to learn. Great job.
    Hope to see your smiling face back at school soon.
    Mrs Shirley

  3. Wow, Serena! You are putting a lot of effort into your learning. I love it! Keep having fun learning at home. I love seeing you at our Team Meets.
    From Miss Hockly

  4. Wow, I really loved the way Mum was helping you learn the months of the year by singing the song. Keep working hard.
    Miss Takerei (Nan)


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